Empowering families and children to thrive physically, socially, and emotionally, free from the effects of substance use and misuse in pregnancy.


SACCounty Healthy Beginnings is an innovative new project focusing on prenatal substance exposure. The project includes education, screening, prevention, and intervention for prenatal substance exposure from substances including methamphetamines, marijuana, opioids, alcohol, and more. Its scope includes the pregnant woman, the infant, and learning about the impacts of prenatal substance exposure and perinatal intervention on the developing child.

Toolkit for Professionals and Parents

The SACCounty Healthy Beginnings Parents’ and Professionals’ Toolkit is for professionals who work with families affected by substance use during pregnancy and for parents – biological, adoptive, foster, in whatever shape or form their family exists – who are raising children affected by prenatal exposure to substances.  The common thread for all of you, however, is that you are dealing with the consequences of alcohol or drug use during pregnancy.


Resource Center

The SACCounty Healthy Beginnings online Resource Center is dedicated to providing “in the moment” information to parents and professionals in Sacramento County. Our aim is to educate our community to decrease substance use during pregnancy, improving outcomes for mother and child.


Learning Opportunities

SACCounty Health Beginnings will be providing ongoing training opportunities throughout the year. Topics include the ethics of prevention, substance use in pregnancy, parenting children with prenatal alcohol exposure, and more. Visit our training schedule for more information and to register for our live and virtual programs.